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Trust and Policy

Getting To Know Your Sellers Is Easy

Feedback and reputation are essential to the Unusual Hire marketplace. Withseller ratings, levels and buyer feedback, we’ve made it simple toreview, compare and purchase the services you need.

Seller Levels

Sellers who deliver high quality work and maintain strong ratings can earn new levels of status that provide additional benefits.

Buy And Sell, Worry Free

With millions of orders taking place, Unusual Hire uses the latest high techanti-fraud and data security measures to keep your transactions anddata safe.

Personal Details

Unusual Hire values your privacy. Your data is secure at all times and we’ll never share your personal information with third parties.

Safe Payments

All transactions are conducted on the Unusual Hire platform. Whether a buyer uses a credit card, PayPal or other form of payment, we handle everything, and ensure the security of your personal details. Unusual Hire is committed to the highest security standards as a Level 1 PCI-DSS service provider.

Secure Communications

You can safely communicate and exchange files with any Seller on Unusual Hire through our secure messaging system.

We’re here to help with any issues you may have, with a friendly customer support team at your service 24/7.